
Request for Quotations (RFQ)

Request for Quotations (RFQ) is a procurement method based on comparing price quotations obtained from several suppliers (in the case of goods), from several service providers (in the case of services), or several contractors (in the case of civil works).

The RFQ document shall provide adequate information for invited suppliers or contractors to offer competitive quotations. At the minimum, the document shall indicate the description and quantity of the goods, a description of the services or specifications of works, and the desired delivery (or completion) time and place. Quotations may be submitted by electronic means, letter, or facsimile. 

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Inspection and Acceptance Request (IAR)

Inspection and Acceptance Report -the IAR (Appendix 72) shall be used for the inspection and acceptance of purchased and delivered property, supplies and materials.

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Disbursement Voucher (DV)

The Disbursement Voucher is a form used to pay an obligation to employees/individuals/agencies/creditors for goods purchased or services rendered. It shall be prepared by the Requesting Office/Unit. 

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Purchase Request (PR)

The Purchase Request is a form used by the Supply and/or Property Custodian for purchasing goods/supplies/property if the item/s requested is/are not available on stock.  This form shall be prepared by the requesting person for the procurement of supplies, property and equipment. It shall be the basis in preparing the Purchase Order. 


Purchase Order (PO)

This document is sent to the supplier by the purchasing entity confirming an order for items or services to be procured. Prepared once a PR has been approved. 

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Obligation Request and Status (OBR)

This document is required by Commission on Audit for certification of allotment and obligation and for future adjustments of expense accounts. 

Another for research and trust accounts

Regular transactions