To be a socially responsive and strategic steward of human resources, guiding university regulations on people and fostering global competence in human resource management.


To provide responsive and excellent services for developing and administering human capital to foster globally competitive human resources and to positively impact the work and life of the University of the Philippines stakeholders.


The mandate of the Human Resource & Development Office includes developing and implementing uniform standards for recruitment, selection, and compensation; developing and monitoring staff development plans; studying and recommending fringe benefits; maintaining personnel records; serving as Secretariat for various committees; and performing other functions assigned by the Chancellor or University authorities. 


The Human Resource Development Office is tasked with developing and implementing uniform standards for the recruitment, selection, and compensation of faculty, research, extension, and professional staff, as well as administrative personnel. Additionally, it collaborates with college/unit heads to create and oversee plans for staff and career development. The office studies and recommends rationalized fringe benefits to ensure fairness and equity. It maintains personnel records and serves as the Secretariat for various committees, including the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board, the Academic Personnel and Fellowship Committee, and the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence Committee. Finally, the office carries out other functions as assigned by the Chancellor or other University authorities.

HR forms for benefits are found in the Resources under the Downloads page.