OVCA Memoranda 

(Per Year)



Document Tracking Control Numbers for Policy, Memo, Letters

In order to improve our document tracking system and pursuant to our journey to be a certified ISO 9001:2015 university, all Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Department Chairs, and Unit Heads are advised to use the following header for policies, memos, and



Name of Delivery Unit - Name of Office - POL - Acronym of Initials of Unit Head

2023 - Three-digit Control Number Version

i.e. OC – POL – LAEM


SUBJECT: Document Tracking Control Numbers for Policy, Memo, and Letters

Note that v00 means the original version of the policy released for the subject “Document Tracking Control Numbers for Policy, Mem, and Letters", while v01, v02, and so on are its

corresponding revisions.

For easy reference and tracking, the same subject and control numbers shall be provided for

the succeeding revisions.

i.e. OC – POL – LAEM


SUBJECT: Document Tracking Control Numbers for Policy, Memo, and Letters


Name of Delivery Unit - Name of Office - MEM - Acronym of Initials of Unit Head

2023 - Three-digit Control Number

i.e. OVCA - HRD - MEM - LAB

2023 - 001

SUBJECT: Submission of SPMS/IPCR Targets for July to December 2023


Name of Delivery Unit - Name of Office - LTR - Acronym of Initials of Unit Head

2023 - Three-digit Control Number

i.e. OVCA - SPMO - LTR - SBA

2023 - 001

SUBJECT: Request for Company XYZ to respond to the BAC Inquiry re: bid on PBM - XXX -XXX

This policy, approved by the EXECOM via referendum, will take effect immediately. For appropriate action and compliance.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.